Friday, March 7, 2014

The parasite beast versus the world

The parasite beast  has overthrown the legitimately elected government of Ukraine in order to divide an conquer the country. Ukraine is the last step, they have divided and conquered Poland, Czechoslovakia,
Georgia, etc.
If they are successful then they will have Russia completely surrounded. The final prize is the Russian vast oil and gas resources.

I asked the question in a previous article. Can people ever work hard enough that the parasite beast say we are satisfied  you don't have to work any harder. 

The answer is no, greed can never be satisfied.  The parasite beast can never be satisfied.

Notice that the first thing that they did after the bloody coup was to install the oligarchs to the government positions.

The beast primary goal is to replace Gazprom the Russian oil company owned by the people to private ownership. This will make the profits of the Russian oil go to the oligarchs instead of the people of Russia.

Russia's Putin and Venezuela's Hugo Chávez are guilty of the same crime, trying to help their people using the resources of their respective countries, instead of all the resources going to a few oligarchs the parasite beasts.

Do not believe that if they succeed and install the oligarchs that they will be satisfied. The parasite want your life and soul. They will work you all the days of your life or they will kill you. Either way they have you dead or alive.

If you give the parasite beast an inch he will not just take a yard he will take it all, a perfect example is the native Americans giving them turkey. It is impossible to reason with a predator who just want you for dinner.

It is not that the oligarchs want more, it is that they want  you to have nothing, it is the ultimate in bad mindedness and covetousness.

They have to make sure that you have nothing in order for them to work you for nothing.

After they destroy Russia then it will be China.

The parasite beast are also working on Syria, Venezuela  and  parts of Africa at the same time. The beast is hell bent  on putting the whole world in virtual slavery.

If the people of the Ukraine sign the IMF. loan then their fate will be sealed and they will be fully owned by the oligarchs. The beast will have succeeded in establishing the plutocratic government system that is presently installed in the western world and Europe.

Once they accept the IMF. The IMF. will impose austerity programs, they will not be able to spend on health, education and well being  of their  people. Most of the money will go to pay interest on the loans and arms to defend the the oligarchs from the peasant class.

The perfect example is in the US. where anything that the government tries to do to help the hard working people is opposed by the Republican  parasite beast.  

If the people of the Ukraine sign the IMF. loan then it will be like they  have the Republican  parasite beast in full control of their country.

The overthrow of the Ukraine people  remind me of the mafia selling you protection, if you do not accept their proposal your business will be burnt and destroyed.

If the beast succeed and unleash the full Russian and Venezuelan  oil on the world earth will not last another forty years.

The parasite beast  definition of democracy is arbitrary.

Fidel Castro Cuba
Salvador Allende Chile
Maurice Bishop Grenada
Hamas Gaza Strip

This is Just to name a few governments that tried to help their working people.

Notice how all news media and pundits are in sync against the people of Ukraine.

We have to stop the beast before their consumer based economy fill the air with carbon and destroy earth. 

Democracy works by divide and conquer,  they divide you with religion, sexual orientation, class, etc.

We have to learn to sacrifice to stop them, do not join the military or police. If all military, police and criminals were to leave their jobs and go home it would bring an immediate end to the parasite beast. 

Unuseminucum 3/7/2014.